
Thailand Tomorrow

Thailand Tomorrow
“Thai Graphic Art Exhibition” 10 - 30 April 2009 at Café Souvannaphoum, Chiang Mai, Thailand 5 pm - 12 pm.

Graphic Design Exhibition by two Thai graphic designers
Showcases the balanced blending between cultural arts and modern digital technology, leading Thai and Lanna conservative arts to international perception


Preecha Israphiwat (8e88 Graphic) www.8e88.net
Anukun Hamala
(nokhookdesign) www.nokhookdesign.com

Café Souvannaphoum
20/1Ratchamanka Rd.
(100 m. from Anodard Hotel), T. Phra Singh Open from noon, closed on Sunday Tel. 08-1961-0238

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  1. Hello Nice blog! Visiting my section paper toy!

  2. Hello! I am very interested in the type that is used for "Thailand Tomorrow", does anyone know what it is? Please email me if you do because it would be very helpful! seanpm15@hotmail.com
